Great Naseby Water Race 2023

Stories and photos from Great Naseby Water Race, 23-26th August 2023.

We were pulled back for a second time to the small township of Naseby (the highest town in New Zealand at 2000ft) and the incredible atmosphere and community of the Great Naseby Water Race.

We arrived on Friday to Race Rego and watch as the longer distance runners, who started much much earlier, knock off a few of their laps. It’s a beautiful blue sky day, dry and hot. Lee goes to check in and get his race bib and I sneak up to the top track with my camera to keep an eye out for anyone I know. I sat here at this same place last year taking photos. I love this spot, the water race to my right and the sky and distant mountains the only backdrop.

Amongst the runners that jog past are a few familiar faces, Eugene from Dirt Church Radio and Adam from Aerobic Edge. I yell out words of encouragement to the weary. Most see me with with a camera and make a real effort to look better than they probably feel. Some smash out a jumpshot! I can’t let their exertion go to waste and accidentally take 50+ photos before being called back down the hill by Lee and the kids. We get the luxury of heading back to the Motel while these guys keep on lapping through the night. Legends!

Returning the next morning for the start of Lee’s 50km, it’s calm but icy cold. There’s defiantly been a drop off in runner numbers as the field looks to have dramatically thinned out over night. We set up our camping chairs in the tussock track side and rug up with jackets, beanies, blankets and gloves. The shade from the hill makes the temperature at HQ feel a whole lot less than the sunny path we walked in on. Still, it’s early and as the sunlight creeps in, it promises to be another stunner GNWR day.

This is EASILY my favourite race for spectating or crewing. With the kids at my side, theres no need to rush around or move from place to place. Everything you need is right there… and your runner comes to you! Every 30-40 minutes, as they cross the mid section of the figure-8 course, you get to see them. It’s pretty darn awesome I have to say!

It was so fantastic to catch up with legend and GNWR Founder Jamie Sinclair (below: red/orange top) We met him at the finish line last year and have stayed in touch. He’s promised a trip across to our parkrun and we assured him we’d get to Dunedin. Of course neither eventuated in the 12 months between Nasebys. Lucky there is the Water Race and in true Jamie style he is as supportive and encouraging as ever.

Lee starts his race right at the back. His heart was set on running the miler here but injury meant he’s barely run 50km the past two and a half months. There is no goal today except to enjoy it, share a couple of loops with Nath and I in support, and finish with a smile. He begins with gloves and his running vest. It carries no gear, only his water and nutrition. Thats the beauty of Naseby, you don’t need to carry anything if you don’t want to, and you are never more than 2.5km from your support and your ‘stuff’.

10km down, Lee picks up Nathan for his next loop. He doesn’t look especially comfortable but says he’s looking forward to having some company. Nath (11), having only done 5km last year, is ecstatic and proud to be doing his first full loop of Naseby.

As they turn right and disappear into Hoffmans Dam Rd, I wander up to the water race with my camera and sit track side waiting for them to come back into view. I won’t have to wait long. 5km. Roughly 25-30 minutes. And it’s great to see and cheer on some other friends between; Dave from Queentown, Jamie Sinclair, Rio, and Steve who is also wearing RunnersNZ #TeamBlue.

While Lee and Nath are out on the 15-20km section I go back to our gear to prep Lee’s next drink bottle and get myself ready to tag team Nathan. Nursing an injured knee, I’ve promised my Physio I’ll limit myself to 5km. I don’t feel great myself, but the opportunity to run with Lee for the first time in two years can’t be wasted.

Team Webber come through ‘pit lane’, refuel and I swap out with Nathan. I wish I could say the next 5km were awesome and I enjoyed every moment of running next to my man, but flip everything hurts and the loss in fitness was excruciatingly evident. Grateful that the rare experience meant more to Lee than his finish time and he happily stayed by my side. A much harder 5k than I’d anticipated, I was pretty thrilled to finish it and go back to crewing and taking photos!

Proud to see Nath and Lee side by side again for the final loop, Nath escorting Dad home in what was a personally physically and mentally tough 50km. Their embrace after crossing the finish line completely undid me. Well done my loves.

Jamie still looping as we left… Legend!

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